Medications prescribed by a doctor or bought directly over the counter may contain prohibited substances. It is a Boxer’s responsibility to check their medication before using it, even if they have used it before.

It is also important to note that medications bought abroad may contain different substances to those bought in the UK.

Global DRO

Global DRO provides boxers and support personnel with information about the anti-doping status of specific medications and ingredients based on the current WADA Prohibited List.

It’s simple and easy to use and enables boxers to check medications sold in Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Global DRO provides the user with a unique reference number for each search, which should be saved for your own records.

Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE)

Boxer health and welfare is vital. If a boxer has an illness or condition that requires them to take medication which contains ingredients listed on the Prohibited List, then there are steps they need to take to obtain a TUE.

The TUE process is a means by which a boxer can obtain approval to use a prescribed prohibited substance or method for the treatment of a legitimate medical condition.

UK Anti-Doping provide a ‘TUE Wizard’ – to guide individuals through the requirements for a TUE. For more information or for specific queries relating to TUE requirements you can contact


Emergency Medicine – do I need a TUE?

Boxers may in the course of emergency treatment (e.g. surgery or an A&E admission) be provided with drugs or methods which are prohibited in sport. Please see this useful infographic  for some top tips on what to do if you require emergency treatment.